Tuesday, May 14, 2013

On the road around Lindis ...

So after 4 days on the road with visits to Lake Pukaki, Mt Cook and Lindis Pass we came across the historic ruins of the old Lindis Hotel. To get to the ruins it's a trundle 6km down a dirt trail through some private farming property before arriving at an area that is fenced off and only about 100 meters from the highway albeit across the the river ;)

It was fun exploring the ruins, walking room to room, imaging days gone by. Greg and I meandered around looking for potential shots. Here is an iPad photo that has had a little Snapseeding done to it just to give you a small taste.

With the weather changing from clear blue skies to some cloud, wind and potentially some rain we are at fork in our itinerary and need to decide on whether to pursue our original plan to proceed onto Kinloch, head around to Milford or run for cover toward Dunedin. Only time will tell and my next blog post :)

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